Artist Zach Gage moves fluidly between gallery installations, mobile games, and conceptual art, exploring how interactive systems shape human behavior and experience.
Mario von Rickenbach creates playful multimedia experiences that transcend traditional gaming, making interactive art accessible through games, films, and physical installations.
Artist Cassie McQuater transforms video game sprites and digital landscapes into hypnotic browser-based experiences, examining insomnia through interactive digital collage.
MoMA curator Paola Antonelli discusses the museum's groundbreaking inclusion of video games in their permanent collection, marking a shift in how institutions view digital design.
Experimental pop musician Claire “Grimes” Boucher is a one-lady machine. Not only does the pop songstress compose and write all her own music, she also directs her own music videos and has a steady hand in producing. The fully-realized vision of Grimes is wholly Boucher’s own. Grimes is Grimes, beca