New Super Mario Bros. 2

Nintendo EAD
Play Time:

Is this the greatest 2D Mario of all time? Twenty-seven years of lessons learned provides Nintendo the kind of foundation few if any modern titles have. If any game deserves the use of “terroir” to describe its nuances, this is it. Details and callbacks spring forth with automatic sprinkler regularity: the loading screen ditty is the original Super Mario Bros. overworld theme; mid-level bosses, a floating quadrant of triceratops, return from World; the final boss sequence mimics the first time you sprinted through that daunting castle and faced off with a spiny tortoise allergic to lava; giant ghosts, always paralyzed by your glance, now peek out from under ghost hands and creep toward you. All this combined with the mythical quest to earn a million (!) coins will give NSMB2 a spot on many folks’ year-end lists.

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