
Versions is the essential guide to virtual reality and beyond. It investigates the rapidly deteriorating boundary between the real world and the one behind the screen. Versions launched in 2016 at the eponymous conference dedicated to creativity and VR with the New Museum’s incubator NEW INC.

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Kill Screen Versions The Meta

An artist’s impeccable textures are brought to life in Tilt Brush

An artist’s impeccable textures are brought to life in Tilt Brush

Glancing at artist James R. Eads’ illustrated works, they seem almost impossible for recreating within virtual reality. Be it their ocean-like swirls or the meticulously fine detail, the Los Angeles-based artist has proven himself as a masterclass of his own signature style—for illustrating the most minute of details. He’s even been called the “new age Van Gogh,” due to his impeccably textured work. And yet, Eads’ latest works in Tilt Brush are still unsurprisingly breathtaking, every bit as much as his flat works or the gif-prone movable ones.

Eads’ work is highly textured, sometimes disorienting, but always beautiful.

Over the past 28 days Eads has had access to a HTC Vive, and with it the art tool Tilt Brush, where he has experimented with the program prolifically. He’s chronicled his twisty journey in learning Tilt Brush and bending it to his stylistic whims on Instagram. And after nearly a month of fooling around, Eads has a compilation video to showcase it all.

From an enchanting mushroom-laden enchanted forest to a kaleidoscopic orb emanating light, Eads is bringing his art wholly into the VR world, and compromising none of it. Just as Illusions, the collaborative gif project with artist Chris McDaniel (also known as The Glitch), played with motion in dizzying ways to bring portraits to life, Eads’ miscellaneous works within Tilt Brush do the same, like a waterfall splashing down below.

You can see more of Eads’ work on his website, or follow him on Twitter

Versions is brought to you by Nod Labs,
Precision wireless controllers for your virtual, augmented and actual reality.
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