
Versions is the essential guide to virtual reality and beyond. It investigates the rapidly deteriorating boundary between the real world and the one behind the screen. Versions launched in 2016 at the eponymous conference dedicated to creativity and VR with the New Museum’s incubator NEW INC.

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Watch dog robots and more in a new VR series from the director of Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Watch dog robots and more in a new VR series from the director of Jiro Dreams of Sushi

While the name Boston Dynamics might be unfamiliar to most, the ramifications of humiliating military robot dogs remains present in the memories of many. These poor cow-like creatures with no living thoughts, programmed to walk, not talk, stand back up, and bare the relentless pain of being made fun of or kicked down time and time again. Boston Dynamics’ robot cow-dogs have yet to rise up and inflict pain on their masters, but a new virtual reality documentary series from Within gives viewers a peak inside how they’re made for the very first time.

Within’s first episodic VR series

The Boston Dynamics studio has long been a place of mystery: what goes on in there? What robot hijinks will they be up to next? The new VR series The Possible, helmed by David Gelb (the director of Jiro Dreams of Sushi) gives a rare glimpse inside the Boston Dynamics lab in its inaugural episode “Hello, Robot.” The series will have five episodes overall, each one spotlighting a central spot for technological innovation. So naturally, the first episode focuses on everyone’s favorite robotic joke-targets. 

Get up close and personal with a human-like robot... with VR.
Get up close and personal with a human-like robot… with VR.

The VR hub Within, founded by VR entrepreneur Chris Milk, has housed numerous VR experiences, films, and now with the release of The Possible—shows. “We like to think of The Possible as the first time people are going to start ‘tuning in’ to VR,” a Within representative told The Creators Project. “That matters because as ‘series’ VR develops, it opens up a community for talking about shows together, as episodes or seasons air. Just like TV.”

You can watch the first episode (“Hello, Robot”) of The Possible here on Within. The remaining four episodes will be released one at a time, with the finale premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival in April.

Versions is brought to you by Nod Labs,
Precision wireless controllers for your virtual, augmented and actual reality.
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