Kill Screen – Previously

Rain World has post-human environments, way-too-cute cats

If there’s one thing that games excel at, it’s capturing grimy post-industrial apocalypses. But the other thing they’re really good at is portraying really adorable, cutesy stuff. The good folks who are making the platformer Rain World (they don’t have a studio name, just the makers of Rain World) combine these incompatible extremes into one adorable “slug cat.” This centaur for the Internet age is far more charming than it has any right to be and makes us wonder what other species of gastropod mollusks felines could work their kitten-y magic on.

As for the rest of the game, it looks great, and gives off the hard-as-nails jumping-game vibe. The guys have launched a Kickstarter to properly fund it, but I’m warning you it’s like a trip to the animal shelter over there. You won’t be able to leave without taking a slug-cat home.

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