
What sort of art would the enemies from Zelda make? A serious question.

In the darkest recesses of literary nonfiction graveyards there exist half-crumpled manuscripts musing, to the night sky, what sort of art the mindless automaton antagonists of Legend of Zelda might make. Muse no longer, undergrads: here is the exact manifestation of your dreams. The cabal of “computer programs, robots, ‘smart objects,’ and beyond” at have used an HP 7475A Pen Plotter to trace the X & Y coordinates of Legend of Zelda enemies as they hop about the screen. The result is a sort of digital, AI-created spirograph, with slight shadows in the image on places where, for whatever reason, the Moblins and…


This glitch art recreates the hell of cubicle work

Glitch art comes in all shapes and sizes, and much of it is very, very bad. (Google it and you’ll see a lot of low-rent ghost imagery and, um, that one dreamy picture of Kurt Cobain?) The work of Wayne Edson Bryan cuts a different figure, though. It starts with process: Bryan actually hand-makes the artwork, printing off paper, cutting and reassembling it back into sharply geometric, almost Mondrian-esque compositions. They’re richly textured, evoking blown-out dot matrix printing and cathode-ray feedback in equal measure.  While this inspires images of immense, three-dimensional collages, the actual works are only presented as digital…


Watch a crowd of digital people cheerfully run into a giant metal propeller

Digital artist Dave Fothergill has created a cheery glimpse into hell this Monday morning. Utilizing the 3D animation software Maya, he’s created a video of what happens when a crowd breaks out into a run, the only issue being that there is an enormous metal propeller in their way. You can guess what happens from there, but perhaps not the sometimes-frightening, sometimes-slapstick sense of variety with which the video plays out.  There are a lot of questions here. What are they running from? Why don’t they run in any direction away from the giant metal propeller? Was this some sort of…