
Food scientists unwittingly diagnose why sometimes we can’t stop playing

This past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine features a remarkable story on the junk food industry and its many secretive struggles for our mouths. Though the author, Michael Moss, kept his focus on obesity and nutrition, I couldn’t help but notice a few startling parallels with the many videogames I just can’t stop playing. Chief among them was food scientist Steven Witherly’s diagnosis of why Cheetos are so tasty and addictive, a trait endemic to a growing number of short, disposable games that sink their hooks in and won’t let go. – – – He calls the effect Vanishing Caloric…


The Skyrim food truck tour has returned, still gives no credit to Kill Screen for idea

We don’t always comment on marketing, but this occasion warrants a very special mention. In order to advertise for upcoming MMO The Elder Scrolls Online, publisher Bethesda and publishing giant Future US are planning a food truck tour of America. They’re stopping at all of the major gaming media events – SXSW, PAX, E3, as well as a number of bigger universities. What I really want to know is what they’ll be serving. Fake mead? Goofily named burritos? Smoked turkey legs? Probably the turkey legs. – – – There are more than a few good ideas in Gus Mustrapa’s Things…