How to Design Avatars From Video Games to VR

Our chat with Facebook Reality Labs' Dino Ignacio

February 17, 2021

Dino Ignacio has worn many hats through his professional career. Internet meme artist. Motion graphics producer. Art director. Horror game UX director. And finally, design lead for Facebook Reality Labs.

Moderated by Killscreen founder Jamin Warren, we’ll be having a wide-ranging discussion about Ignacio’s career and his approach to multidisciplinary design across a variety of mediums.

Dino is the design lead at Facebook Reality Labs working with a team of researchers, developers and engineers to create the future of virtual and augmented reality. Previously, he was the User Experience Director at EA Visceral where he created ground-breaking user interface designs for games like Dead Space and Dante’s Inferno. Dino has over a decade of work across mediums from illustration to motion design to UX/UI.

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