
Bycatch smartly distills drone warfare into a card game

This season of Homeland opened with a botched drone strike, and six episodes later teetered on a moment where a drone nearly became an instrument of revenge. Granted, Homeland is about one Jason-masked murder rampage from 24 territory, but the show usually mirrors one actual political concern per season somewhere among the crying and the sex. And if you keep up with real-world news, it can be hard to find drone strikes that aren’t botched; especially if you consider civilian deaths a dealbreaker. What exactly is the quota for dead bystanders? Is there a spreadsheet somewhere in the Pentagon that ticks down cost-benefit in corpses?  Bycatch, an upcoming collaboration between Subalekha Udayasankar…


These warped playing cards bring the glitch aesthetic to royal flushes

Glitches in videogames happen all the time. Just go read The Sims patch notes. But we usually don’t find them in physical games, like board games, and card games, and hackisack, and thankfully so, because that would mean we’re living in the Matrix while some hideous inter-dimensional parasites feed on our hormones.  But luckily we can simulate the glitch aesthetic of faulty software with this wonderful playing card set by the Swiss designer Soleil Zumbrunn. They are a bit pricy at $15 for a pack on Kickstarter, but they’ll be professionally printed, an each card is individually glitched out. This…