
Civilization V designer wants to give Attila the Hun his due

The history of the West is a violent, teeth-gnashing, and unholy succession through the centuries. And while empire-builder games let us toy with the past — to stroke our chins and speculate what if Rome had been defeated, say, in the War against Nabis in 195 BC — they’re typically a war of attrition among civilized states. The empire-builder hasn’t let you reenact the savage raids by unkempt armies on decaying empires. Jon Shafer, the smart-as-a-whip designer, best known for calculating martial law in the daddy of all empire-builders Civilization V, wants that to change. “There have certainly been games…


XCOM the shooter is quickly approaching Duke Nukem Forever territory

Remember XCOM? Of course you do. It was the surprisingly great reboot of the classic strategy game that had the gaming press in thrall last fall. Yannick wrote our stellar review of it, arguing, “whatever Firaxis managed to salvage from the wreckage of XCOM’s legacy, they turned into a surpassingly tight and smart game.”  Well, not that one.  – – – Nope, I’m talking about the XCOM you’ve forgotten about, XCOM, the third-person squad-based shooter by 2K Marin. Yes, the XCOM that the entire internet was up in arms about because it was a bastardization of the beloved franchise. The…