
Snuggle up and melt a cat in your hot cocoa this winter, you deranged monster

The Japanese company Yawahada specializes in adorable, artisanal marshmallows, but they veer from the norm, coming in flavors like chocolatey tiramisu, cheese tarts, baked apple, and so on. As if wrenched from Kirby’s most kawaii dreams, they also make little marshmallows shaped liked cats, which inspires images of curling up on a couch with a cat and a blanket and re-watching season three of Battlestar Galactica to see if it still holds up.  But it raises some deeply troubling images as well—notably, that adorable cat-like visage slowly fading and becoming featureless as it melts into your dessert, its tiny paws becoming…


Does Trials Fusion have a hidden Soylent Green subplot? The evidence is pretty convincing

Trials Fusion is a mindlessly fun game about doing tricks on dirt bikes, in which you repeatedly and tirelessly crash to your death—the type of game you’d never expect to feature a morose, creepy plot about an unethical corporation cloning human bodies. But according to this theory on YouTube, all those crates are stuffed with lifeless cloned bodies that are revived in the cloning facility moments before you spurt off and suffer a spinal injury in a horrible crash, bringing an “It’s people!” twist to the concept of the extra man.  While this is very much conjecture, the video points…