
New SUPERHOT trailer is quite literally off the chain

Artistic violence is so in right now. Particularly for those who gazed upon the dirtied, bloodied face of Mad Max and found themselves thinking “Ooooo preeeetty!” instead of “Yuck! Death and destruction!” you can practically hear the sharp edge dividing the air.  The latest SUPERHOT trailer comes at an opportune moment, then, while people are still happily riding this beautiful wave of bloodshed. SUPERHOT is—and always has been—the little first-person shooter jam game that could. After the free jam build went viral two years ago, the team behind this The Matrix-esque simulator took to Kickstarter and raised a whopping $250,000…


SUPERHOT shoot-dodging its way to Xbox One

Superhot is both the Matrix videogame we’ve dreamt of (naturally, whilst cradled in our biomechanical nutrient pods) and the best argument yet for the Oculus Rift. Meditative may be a stretch. Superhot is a pensive shooter. It slows you down. Like For Each Our Roads of Winter, Superhot invites you to take a moment, breath, and consider. It is not just running and gunning but doing so with the clarity of a Piet Mondrian painting. Its stark colors and minimalist architecture have certainly got us anxious to get our hands on it. Oh…and the katana. Now it’s poised to bring its time-bending gospel…


The Cyberpunk Game Jam satisfies our cravings for cyberpunk, games, and jam

Ready yourself for a influx of games about hacker cowboys getting ethereal in the psychedelic constructs of digital space, because there is a Cyberpunk Game Jam happening on March 1st – 10th. This sounds like a mighty long time to stay jacked into the matrix. Let’s hope things stay safe and no one’s neural implants get baked.  The website for the jam is encouraging participating devs to bone up on seminal works of cyberpunk, such as Burning Chrome, Netrunner, and The Lawnmower Man. I pity the dev unfamiliar with the genre who randomly selects Lawnmower Man from the list. Whether you…