
First-person toddler-crawler Among the Sleep to terrify grown men and women May 29

Among the Sleep, a pioneer in the first-person baby horror gen, is going to make you feel all weak and vulnerable very, very soon. The spooky game about a small child who escapes the crib to discover a fairyland hell is coming to Steam on May 29. When I played an early demo of the game last year, I found the experience entirely unnerving, despite the fact that I was playing in a crowded coffee shop in full daylight sipping a warm latte topped with cutesy latte art. There were so many weird and disturbing things going on in the…


There are more ways to play DayZ than psychopath, apparently

This is the revelation I gained from the DayZ Character Dice Game Remix, a personality-rolling meta-game you play prior to logging in, with the numbers from your dice assigning you a specific mentality.  Created by Reddit-users Conn3ct3d and Wingthree, the game casts you as either a hero, good guy, bad guy, survivor, crazy person, or psychopath accordingly. For those of us who only know of the ruthless survival game through hearsay, it shines a light on the strange psychology that exists within. For example, one role you can roll is “go[ing] around breaking peoples’ legs to make friends that can’t…